Sidera Technology

Greetings to you readers, have got a whole lot of informations about the first decentralized wearable exchange called Sidera, technology which i knew its full of goods. I will be glad if y’ll can be attentive trying yo grab exactly what this excellent and remarkable Sidera technology is all about.

About Sidera, as a unique technology – Sidera makes possible for the first time to store securely all your cryptocurrencies on your wrist, in a beautiful and smart way.

Sidera will equally provide an incentive network for participants through free hardware providers for retail stores in European geographies for starters. Users will be given incentives to participate in the network of sidera through the ease and accessibility of use, the convenience of payment with mobile devices and the simplicity of the smart clock.

The future growth of the wearable technology market would be driven by consumer preference for gadgets, increasing growth prospects of next-generation displays in wearable devices, and growing popularity of connected devices with Internet of Things (IoT). In a survey conducted, 51% of the people cited privacy as their biggest concern while using internet connected devices. This risk of theft of data is a concern for the IoT technology. An internet containing confidential data from millions of devices would be the best place for a data thief, and he would leave not a single stone unturned to get what he wants.


How secure is the wearable device and core Efficiency

Sidera scalable ecosystem revolves around a new revolutionary way of sending

crypto: Decentralized Wearable Devices (DWD).

What’s the point of wearing a smartwatch? It is indeed a cool device, which can

support and sustain your own daily productivity.

But as we adapt to new technologies, retailers will be able to collect “super data”

such as a user’s in-store shopping frequency, their basket size, value per item,

length of stay etc – meaning that online advertising placements and scheduling

can become more acutely defined and intrusive, thus further limiting our privacy.

It will also allow retailers to access personality traits about the customer, such as

what you listen to, what you “like”, and what you like to browse.

Sidera strongly believes in freedom and privacy, that’s why we started supporting

Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies and Blockchain technology.

For this purpose we developed the first Decentralized Wearable Device Project of

the world: SmartBit. It is personal, non-intrusive and crypto-friendly! Your funds are

secured around your wrist, fully encrypted, allowing offline wrist-to-wrist exchanges

and a plethora of other innovative characteristics.

SmartBit is a new idea of smartwatches and smart-bands focused on Bitcoin and

cryptocurrencies. Scope of these devices is to provide for its users an easy, handily,

innovative and secure way to manage the Crypto-environment.

The revolutionary ways smartbit smartwatch enable users to send cryptocurrency and receiving notifications like anyother smart phones in the world.

• To detect any crypto-address included in the notification message. As soon as a new address is detected the user can choose to send the related cryptocurrency to that address.

Ex. New notification received: Hey, don’t forget to send me those 0.1234 BTC.

You can send them to 1HBtvjiVk8Bb2rPTAGJrD6UuC6foGQ4uZA” or:I’m joecolern from telegraph, This is the address for the transaction: 1HBtvjiVk8Bb2rPTAGJrD6UuC6foGQ4uZA”

There are also other ways to send cryptocurrencies with the SmartBit Device. It is possible to save the public address of a contact in the address book and then select it whenever you need to send funds.

  • Generation of Entropy with Your Hand Movement – BitSmart Tool can generate entropy for your wallet just by moving your hand. This feature is developed by utilizing the built-in Accelerometer sensor.
  • Bitcoin or ERC20 Wallet – Your funds can be saved on OFF-CHAIN ​​wallet on Wearable device on your wrist. Using the security of multi-layer level militated encryption that will not be in the collapse.

Other Diverse Features:

Dozens of features

Mobile notifications, auto-detect transaction address, ghost mode, customize watchfaces, QR generator, price alerts, trading and much more!

Secure anti-theft system

Your funds are impossible to stolen, even if you loose BitSmart or the private key. We have you covered with multi-layer security.

Global, scalable, fully decentralized

BitSmart is the first hardware wallet that you can carry on your wrist. It is completely decentralized, fully secured by the blockchain

The First physical Decentralized Wearable Exchange

Its realistic that Continuum is the first physical and wearable decentralized exchange. You don’t have to rely on a central authority: trade cryptocurrencies with peers simply on your wrist.


They provide network balance, validating transactions, receiving network fees and delegating the computational surplus to the micro-nodes sublevel.

Proof-of-Load Protocol

The PoL occurs continuosly measuring the state of the network trough the nodes, delegating to the level of intelligent micro-nodes some operations suitable to lighten instantly the blockchain.


Sidera’s Blockchain uses a principle called INTERSECT, in which dApps, cryptographic functions and transactions co-exist without weighting down the network.

Say Hello to .bitcoin .btc and .blockchain domain extensions

Its really and part of our sincere fullfilment to announce that we will reserve part of our crowdfunding to the filling of the application for these three new Generic Domain Extensions.

We surely believe in the crypto-community as we became part of this family since the inception of Bitcoin.

We have the opportunity today to give back something very important to the community: a gift that will give Bitcoin and Blockchain the public resonance they deserve.


Target 15,000,000 USD

51,000,000 of Token ERC20 eQUOS

1 USD = 0.5 eQUOS

Sidera, in case of issues with platform access which it can’t be held responsible for, or other forced major delays, reserves the right to extend the distribution phase by 15 days in order to guarantee contributors’ participation.

SOFT CAP: 1,500,000 USD

(if the soft-cap will not be reached during Pre-Distribution and Distribution, the funds will be returned)

HARD CAP: 15,000,000 USD

(once the hard-cap is reached, the donations will be halted)


1% of funds raised will be donated to charitable organizations.


The Entire Crew Member including:The founders


For More detail Information:









My bitcointalk profil link :;u=1531574

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